ThirdRails Disclaimer

Thanks for using ThirdRails! We've worked hard on this app and our websites, but we need to make a few things clear:

As-Is: We're providing ThirdRails "as is" - that means we can't guarantee it'll work perfectly all the time or that it will be fully compatible with all systems. We've done our best, but technology can be unpredictable.

No Liability: If something goes wrong while using ThirdRails, whether it’s a glitch or something more serious, we can't be held responsible for any damages or losses that might happen. This covers everything from minor annoyances to more significant issues that might affect your data or hardware.

Use at Your Own Risk: By choosing to use ThirdRails, you're accepting the risk that comes with it. We hope it enhances your experience, but we can't promise there won't be bumps along the way.

No Promises: We can't make any promises about the continuous operation, accuracy, or reliability of ThirdRails. We're always working to improve, but we can't foresee every issue.

If you're using ThirdRails, you're agreeing to these points. We appreciate your understanding and support!

Thanks for being part of the ThirdRails community!

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: News and information about help authoring tools and software