ThirdRails has an excellent announcement system for spoken announcement based on the Windows Speech system.
Therefor any language is supported, as long as there is a voice available for the language.

Consult Microsoft Windows 10 on how to install additional voices. More info Microsoft link

ThirdRails supports three ways of Spoken Announcemens:

1. Timetable Drive Announcements
These announcements are triggered when you navigate the timetable in de EBuLa control, like Next Stop, Approaching and Calling at.
The announcements are fixed programmed, however with the Announcement Builder  you can edit the text, and make translation for any language.

2. Service Announcements
Service announcements are made in the GSM-R device using the Service Announcement option. When using Parameterized announcements  you can take generic timetable information into your announcement.

3. GPS Automated Service Announcement
You can play automated Service Announcements by placing Announcement POI's in the map and saving them to a ThirdRails Project.

With option 2 and 3 you will also be able to play your own train/station sound files (mp3/wav etc.) as announcement by means of integration of Windows Media Player.
Remark that it is not possible to mix Windows Speech Voices and sound files in one announcement.

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